Jan 2022 – Dec 2023, Capacity Building in Western Balkans
The ‘Mermaids for Inclusion’ project, endorsed by the European Union, stands as a testament to the transformative power of sports in fostering social cohesion. This initiative strategically integrates finswimming into the fabric of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo, transcending the traditional boundaries of sports. Its primary focus is to champion gender equality and facilitate the integration of ethnic and religious minorities, underscoring the pivotal role of sports in promoting inclusivity in the Western Balkans.
Jan 2023 – Dec 2024, Small Cooperative Partnership
“The Water Sports Festival (WSF) project goes beyond promoting water sports—it encourages a new athletic approach, fostering social connections and diverse sports engagement. By collaborating, sharing expertise, and introducing trendy sports like finswimming, WSF enhances club operations and equips staff for international events. Embracing inclusivity and grassroots values, WSF aims for global impact, emphasizing teamwork and a love for physical activity. Together, we can create a positive sports culture that unites us towards a common goal.”
The WIN – What Women Need project aims to combat social isolation and gender-based violence during the pandemic using sport and social inclusion. The project targets women who are isolated, anxious, and experiencing increased violence, and seeks to empower them through sports, promote self-care and economic opportunities, and reduce sedentary lifestyles. With four partners across Italy, Croatia, and Spain, the project aims to improve gender equality and European cohesion at the local level and ensure long-term replicability.
Jan 2021 – Dec 2022, Small Cooperative Partnership
The project “Aurora Adriatic – E-learning for Sport Careers” focuses on education of athletes, sport operators and volunteers in the fields of nutrition, sport psychology, internal administration and external relations. A learning-by-doing teaching approach, delivered by members of Partner organisations and external collaborators, together with an innovative open-source interactive e-learning …
Jan 2020 – Jun 2022, Cooperative Partnership
The “Enhancing Health and Physical Activity Rates through Pentathlon” Erasmus+ project aims at employing Pentathlon as a tool of promoting health-enhancing physical activity among the European youth and adult populations as well as providing dual career opportunities to Athletes in the individual disciplines forming part of Pentathlon practice who will be empowered as Coaches/Trainers in their disciplines and in comprehensive programs of Pentathlon for an adult and a youth audience.
Jan 2018 – Dec 2019, Small Cooperative Partnership
The project “Aurora – Sport. School. Life.” aims to develop and promote a strong culture and ethics based on principles of good governance, and to implement those principles in everyday functioning of sport clubs in Europe. The project focuses on education of athletes in the fields of nutrition, training and management. The project adopts a bottom-up concept in designing the learning process, and a learning-by-doing teaching approach. This innovative aspect translates into 3 main elements: localized introductory workshops, e-learning sessions as a core education activity and a traineeship in a sport organisation. Four sport clubs will take part in Aurora, each of them brings into the project either a success story, a rich history and experience or the sheer enthusiasm of grassroots. There is a strong demand for this kind of projects with small not-professional clubs, due to basic lack of skills among clubs’ managers who are usually volunteers without any professional background. The target groups are athletes and other club members, and indirectly other interested sport bodies.The project objectives include education of athletes and sport club members, development of their skills and knowledge in areas critical for sustainable development of sport clubs. Second objective is promotion of the concept and practices of good governance in sports in Europe, and the third is development of a stronger cooperation among related European sport clubs, in order to support the institutionalized exchange of experiences and knowledge.At the end of the project, the participants will be able to manage a sport club independently and replicate the results in any future situation. Additionally, the project will produce a web platform that will make available all e-learning material, applications, documents and solutions for routine tasks of a non-professional sport club.Aurora is the name of the project, as it recalls the dawn. The dawn of a new culture in sport, school, life.
Jan 2021 – Dec 2022, Small Cooperative Partnership
The aim of the project is to create networks that can raise a profitable debate on the themes of inclusive and integrated sport, tackled from different perspectives. Involving ecosystems from four European countries, SPOT – Sportily Together builds a connection among international and local actors, carriers of complementary experiences in the social and sports spheres, in order to create a model for territorial-to-international cooperation aimed at the definition of a non-formal training offer addressed to coaches, educators, managers, and athletes willing to work for a deeper inclusion and integration in and through sport. The project stems out from the demand of having these actors communicating with each other – i.e. sports organizations, NGOs, public administrations, schools, etc. – so that any difference relating to social disability is attenuated, or possibly overcomed.
Jan 2021 – Jun 2022, Small Cooperative Partnership
Inclusion through Sport is an 18 months long Erasmus+ Sport Small Collaborate Partnership project, that aims to promote the inclusion of people belonging to ethnic minorities, who have a familiar history of migration and/or are immigrants, through sport, that is used as a socio-educational tool for social transformation.
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